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Mentalist – Mind Reader

Mark Huntley is one of the best Mind Readers in the UK. His ability to perform unbelievably phycological & Physic abilities and yet is able to add charm and humour to win any audiences affection.

Meet The Team

We're an award-winning multidisciplinary team based in the UK. We work with businesses and people to create a more wonderful world.
"The noblest art is that of making others happy." P.T Barnum.

“Mark performed an amazing cabaret slot at the end of the evening.”

Ray BurellSecretary of HM Circle.
Script writer

Graham Hay

Graham Hay is a comedy giant! Writing scripts for Netflix films, publishing a prominent magic magazine and author of several books on comedy.

Friend and magic consultant

Paul Baker Kitchen

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Nam auctor sodales dapibus. Ut et nibh sed neque lobortis mollis. Cras mauris tellus, ornare sed vestibulum eu, sagittis vitae justo. Vivamus pellentesque augue in orci commodo dignissim. Fusce id mi lacus.

Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.


Mark would also like to acknowledge: Bob Cassidy, Richard Osterlind, Banachek, Luke Jermay, Graham Jolly

Quisque elit nisl, varius nec ullamcorper eget, egestas vitae mi. Nam hendrerit eros a sagittis tempus. Mauris hendrerit hendrerit consequat. Nunc eget dui pulvinar, auctor neque sed, convallis ipsum. Fusce sagittis, dui a malesuada ullamcorper, nulla dolor interdum ipsum.

Ac condimentum eros lacus vestibulum nunc. Nunc maximus, massa et dictum dictum, risus massa dignissim nisl, at vestibulum ligula ante id metus. Morbi fringilla rhoncus porta.



Etiam nulla velit, pharetra vel leo a, pretium rhoncus eros. Fusce eu hendrerit ipsum, vitae volutpat dui. Nunc eget mi tincidunt, luctus turpis at, pharetra diam. Nam sit amet purus cursus, rhoncus nibh nec, volutpat purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum id iaculis velit, vitae faucibus augue. In quis lectus nisi.

Mind reading consultant

Franklin Arbisman

Franklin Arbisman is a Mind Reader and mentalist, Publisher and lecturer based in the Yorkshire area of the UK. Franklin is often the first person Mark will consult with.

Modern Mind reading

Mark does not use camera tricks, or electronic devices of any kind to achieve his mind-reading miracles.

Mark Has been performing for over 30 years. He's From Kingston upon Hull in Yorkshire UK. He learned to be a magician at first, then performed grand illusions. His journey into mentalism has been a long one and came about as he wanted to perform the closest to real magic as possible. His ability to tell audience members information about their life is no trick and he uses psychic techniques that he cannot explain the accuracy.

Mind Freak!

Can he see my inner thoughts?

No! don’t worry. It does not work like that.

The philosophy of  “Do we have free will over our thinking”. is a heavily debated subject.

Mark simply influences you, a little like marketing on Tv, But there are times in the show when even Mark does not understand why he gets such information. He tries not to embarrass anyone.


Mark always tries to overdeliver.

Mark will go out of his way to give your guests that extra bit of attention, a smile a chat all adds to a cruise ship experience.


Build things that inspire people.

Mentalism can help people overcome fears and inspire them to push themselves.

Most of all Mark wants his audience to leave the theatre feeling wonderful.